Friday, April 23, 2010

Shirtwaist Dress: Progress Report

Progress. That is a funny word. It means different thing to many people. A "moving forward", right? I guess what I have been doing would technically fall into "progress". The problem is there hasn't been too much of it around here. Especially on my current project. Let's take a look.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Rompers vs. Playsuits

I have had my eye on rompers when I saw a couple cute versions on ModCloth last summer. I just brushed the thought aside, even though the ones they had there were beyond cute. Then last night, my sister and I were trying to find a pattern I promised I would sew her, and instead we stumbled onto this beauty in this etsy store. We both thought that each silhouette was great, so the pattern was purchased.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

My First SBA! Where's the Champagne, Mom?!

Those reading who are not familiar with this term, it stands for a Small Bust Adjustment on a pattern. This is not as commonly seen in the sewing world as an FBA, which of course is the opposite, for those on the bustier side. Most of the big pattern companies draft patterns for a standard B-cup size, besides Colette Patterns who use a C-cup as standard. This is a fine and dandy if you are an average type of lady, with all your full B cup-ness (or even C!), but I am no average lady. I couldn't even fill out an A-cup completely — wah wah wah :( But instead of wallowing in my small-bust-self-pity, I made a SBA. Yay!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Sewing for Wee Ones: A Lesson Learned

I spent last week sewing a dress for my four year old niece's birthday, which we celebrated last night. I decided last Sunday to make it, which was why I was so absent last week and the fact that I am watching way too much television at night after work (how many Law & Orders can I watch!?) For those of you who have never sewed a garment for a child, it don't even know the right words. Courage? Maybe a little. Patience? Perhaps, but that is true in all sewing projects.  Pepared for crushing disappointment? Definitely.